Contribute to The Muppet Mindset


Greetings, Muppet fans! I’m here to give you the opportunity to write for The Muppet Mindset. We want your articles! Below are the submission guidelines and examples of our recurring article series that are always looking for new entries. Feel free to submit articles in our recurring series or email us about a unique article that you have on your mind. We’re open to most anything!

Submit ALL articles to Jarrod Fairclough at for approval on articles.

We accept all kinds of article contributions based on the Muppets, Sesame Street, Fraggle Rock, and occasionally other Henson “universes” (The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, Dinosaurs, etc.) as well. We accept opinion articles, product reviews, whatever! We do reserve the right to refuse any article and edit any article as we see fit. If there are specific pictures you would like to include with your article, please submit those at the same time you submit your piece.

Great Muppet Survey

The ALL NEW Great Muppet Survey is a fun way for you Muppet fans to share some of your wit with us here at The Muppet Mindset and our fans who read our posts! Below are 15 questions that we would like you answer at your own pace. From there, copy and paste the questions and your answers into an email to Fun, right? Check out the questions below and get started on answering The Great Muppet Survey!

Please Note: We are not accepting surveys with ‘non-answers’ like “I can’t choose” or “I love them all”.  Take a moment to really think about each question, even type your thinking out before you make your decision if you think that may help.

  1. What is your favorite Sesame Street sketch, and why?
  2. What is your favorite Muppet Show sketch, and why?
  3. Who is your favorite character (from any franchise) and why?
  4. Who is your least favorite character (from any franchise) and why?
  5. What is your least favorite production (from any franchise) and why?
  6. What’s your favorite song from any Muppet movie, and why?
  7. Who is your favorite Muppet performer, and why?
  8. What is your favorite post-1990 Muppet production, and why?
  9. What is your favorite bit of Muppet merchandise (you don’t necessarily have to own it)?
  10. You get to spend a day on Sesame Street.  What do you do?
  11. Which is better – The Muppets (2011) or Muppets Most Wanted (2014) and why?
  12. Pitch a Muppet movie in no more than 140 characters.
  13. What’s the name of that song?
  14. Be honest: How many times have you had to tell your friends he isn’t the Veggie Monster now?
  15. If you got to interview one Muppet/Sesame Street character, who would you pick, and what would you ask?


Have you ever wondered how some Muppet fans became Muppet fans? How did a kid like Maxwell Jessop, born years after the Jim Henson era, come to love the Muppets? How did The Muppet Mindset’s Ryan Dosier get obsessed and start this website? You’ll find out the answers to all of these and much more in our ongoing series of Muppet Fan Testimonials. If you would like to share your story, email Jarrod Fairclough at

Muppet Retro Reviews2

Originated by frequent contributor Kyle Mahoney reviewing Big Bird in China and Big Bird in Japan, the series takes another look at “retro” Muppet productions–those productions produced in the past. We try to focus on projects made before the year 2000, but we’ll settle for whatever! If you would like to contribute to Muppet Retro Reviews, submit an article to

Muppet Collection Chronice

The Muppet Fan’s Muppet Collection Chronicle is an ongoing series that showcases Muppet fans and their extensive Muppet collections. It is sponsored by our friends at Muppet Stuff, run by Chris Stulz. Whether your collection is massive like Christopher O’Connor, a Fozzie Bear only collection like Daniel Moss, or a video showing off your collection like Dave Hulteen, we want to see it! If you would like to show off your Muppet collection, email Jarrod Fairclough at or Chris Stulz at


Professor Ryan Dosier and his team of guest lecturers head a semi-weekly lecture on various topics within the Muppet world, keeping you up to date on your Muppetology knowledge. As an introductory course, Muppetology 101 has covered topics such as character recasts and character couplings and in the future will look at various Muppet productions and the order they came in.

How To

The Muppet Mindset Presents: How To… is a series of articles started way back in 2010 when Lisa the Intern wrote an article about How To… Train Your Dog to Be Like Sprocket. The series continued briefly later that year when James Carroll made an amazing How To… Draw Pepe in 10 Easy Steps piece using Flash. The series was revived in 2012 by Maxwell Jessop whose articles so far have included How To… Make Friends with a Rat and How To… Become a Superhero.

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