Weekly Muppet Wednesdays: The Elvises

Today’s article was written by our frequent contributor Kyle Mahoney. THE ELVISES Performed by… Various First appearance… Muppet Classic Theater (1994) Most recent appearance… It’s A Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie (2002) Quotes… “Thank you, thank you very much. I’d like to thank the both of you.” “Don’t make me use my karate on you.”…

Muppet Retro Reviews: Muppet Classic Theater

Kyle Mahoney – Muppet Classic Theater was a straight to VHS feature-length production released in 1994. In a similar vein to the previously released film The Muppet Christmas Carol, the Muppets are retelling classic stories. It takes place in the Muppet Theater where Gonzo and Rizzo once again become the narrators as the rest of…